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Reluctant Reader Corner - Take Two

My reluctant reader has been reading non-stop! What has caused this turn around, you wonder? My reluctant reader, grudgingly gave

" The Notebook of Doom" by Troy Cummings a try. Three chapters in and my reader couldn't put it down. You know the book has to be great if you skip your video game time to read. ( I know - I was in complete shock!). "The Notebook of Doom "( 490 Lexile, Age 6-8 ) follows the adventures of Alexander Bopp, which begins when he moves to a new town and discovers a notebook filled with monsters. Monsters, mystery, great illustrations and fun secondary characters make this a win in my reluctant reader's playbook. Six trips to the library and Barnes and Noble later, we have almost read the complete series. This is a huge step for my reluctant reader and this book loving mama couldn't be happier. If you haven't tried this series with your reluctant reader, I encourage you to try it out!

P.S. - My reluctant reader has started his own Notebook of Doom! Keep your eye out for this masterpiece.

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