Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too...

is one of my favorite poems written by Shel Silverstein and always brings a smile to my face. During the long winter days, this collection of poems brings some sunshine. It also might be just what the doctor ordered if you little one is under the weather. The poems are catchy and some are very easy for emerging reader to enjoy. The poem format makes it easy to pick back up again but don't be surprised if your reader wants to keep reading. I always tease my son that he might become like Jimmy Jet and his TV Set. Although it has been 40 years since its original publication, the humorous and different view of the world still ignites the imagination in all of us. I encourage to share this collection with your children. I dare you not to laugh at Ickle Me. Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too and their flying shoe.