Read Across America (celebrate Dr. Seuss!)

It's Read Across America Week, a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually leading up to Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2nd. We have lots of Dr. Seuss favorites around here (and many by P.D. Eastman sealed with the Dr. Seuss emblem). I'm sure we all have our own childhood faves and new ones as established by being a parent. Wet Pet, Dry Pet, Your Pet, My Pet (a nursery collection book) was the book that sparked my kids' interest in his literature. It's a touch-and-feel book based on the classic One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish with fur, feathers, flaps, slide tabs, and even cardboard rings to "toss" to bring the characters to life. There are lots of opportunities to do silly voices too. Go, Dog, Go (P.D. Eastman) was the first book my daughter mastered so it's sentimental to me and then we moved on to Yertle the Turtle, Green Eggs and Ham, and Wacky Wednesday. As a yearly tradition I have my kids' teachers sign Oh, The Places You'll Go! as a keepsake (cue the tears). I hope you're enjoying a walk down memory lane with your little one and Dr. Seuss this week!
P.S. Check out this book of Dr. Seuss's 100 First Words book for your pre-schooler!'s-100-first-words-by-dr-seuss/