Multi-Sensory Learning Fun

As the mom of a dyslexic child, I know too well that typical classroom lessons may not meet the needs of all the children. I have to constantly think outside the box to make my son interested in learning, especially spelling. One activity he loves to do, is to write his words in shaving cream or colored sand. No worries about pencils or mistakes, it easy to wipe away and start fresh. As a typical eight year old, he loves to make a mess and this fits the bill. All you need is a big tray, shaving cream, food coloring (he likes to mix colors), colored sand and a list of words. I do suggest putting down a plastic table cloth or doing it outside if the weather is warm.
This site has a great list of activites to try at home: Would love to hear if your child/family has multi-sensory activities they love. I am always looking for new and fun ideas.