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A Little Reptile Reading with a Side of Bubbles. (STEAM activity)

"Verdi" by Janell Cannon is a story about a little snake and the adventures he has on his way to becoming a green. Throughout the story, Verdi desperately tries to out run becoming an adult or green but finds out in the end that it may not be so bad afterall. This book is a visual masterpiece and is one that makes for a great picture walk prior to reading. This is a great book for any reptile loving bookworms.

After reading this, one of my favorite activities is to create a bubble snake. It is a lot of fun and simple to do. All you need is Dawn dish detergent, a plastic water bottle, rubber band, sock and food coloring. A great website with step by step directions is here: ​​​. Blow a few Verdi's or other colorful snakes.

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